Learn About Basketball Mental Game Training, Tips, Skills and Drills Confidence , and Mental Toughness Using Hypnosis Here.
What is it that TOP NBA Basketball Players know about playing legendary basketball that you don't?
The answer may surprise you...
Just Like Michael Jordan
Its not your jumping or your jump shot or your defense that gives you a competitive advantage
its your inner heart...your inner guts... those things are driven by what's inside that basketball, called your BRAIN.
This is wht gives you the mental edge in basketball.
Champions in all sports are created from within
Mastering the Mental Game of Basketball IS the Best Kept Secret of Pro Basketball Players.
It is the difference between All-Star / Hall of Fame Baseball Players and everyone else. This is why top basketball players pay thousands of dollars to work with sports hypnotherapists in-order to master these mental game techniques. They know that the real leverage in basketball comes from mastering the mental game and not just the physical game.
The mental game
is critical because
1) Your mind controls your body. Just like a computer and a robot. All your body does is respond like a robot to the commands given to it by "the computer."
2) When two players with similar physical skills compete against each other it is the one with the stronger mental game that will prevail.
3) The consequences of winning are tremendously financially and emotionally rewarding for a basketball player.
4) The consequences of losing can be financially and emotionally devastating to a basketball player.
5) 90% of your results are determined by your mindset and your mental game!!!
Just ask any D league basketball player who never made it to the NBA or one who did make it into the NBA just to warm the bench and never got to "start", kept getting traded or who got released sent home...
They will all sheepishly admit, “I wish I'd had a stronger mental game... I wish I'd had more CONFIDENCE! I WISH I HAD PLAYED MORE AGRESSIVELY
Are you looking for some more SELF CONFIDENCE and some MENTAL TOUGHNESS & FOCUS in your basketball game?
Do you want to turn your weaknesses into strengths and get better?
Would you like to play IN THE ZONE
You'd Better Get This Basketball Mental Conditioning Program
It does not matter if you are a guy or a girl who plays basketball in school, or if you are a college basketball player, or if you are in development league or if you are a pro NBA Basketball Player. This mental game training program WILL SKYROCKET YOUR CONFIDENCE AND YOUR PLAYING AND Get YOU From Where You Are Right Now
To Where You Want To Be in BASKETBALL.. YES Even YOU!
Who Else Wants To Play Basketball Like A NBA Hall of Famer?
Finally YOU Can Now Discover The Closely Guarded Secrets That Top NBA Basketball Players Use To Turn Themselves Into Mega Successful Basketball Legends And Have An UNFAIR Advantage Over Everyone.
(Without using Steroids or other illegal drugs)
Attention basketball players I don't care if you are an NBA basketball player play in D league, overseas, pick up basketball games, recreational league, college, high school or anything else ... Set down your basketball ..Because you are about to discover basketballs best kept secret...
With these secret tricks they Get New Personal Bests, Dominate Their Competition, Make Their Teammates Jealous AND Most Importantly Help Them To WIN!
If you've got 59 minutes to listen to a CD or MP3 before you get on the basketball court, I will show you how to
Play basketball like an All-Star NBA Champion playing with amazing accuracy and speed
and striking guys out...over and over. So that you can live your baseball dreams!
GUARANTEED! - Or You Get To See it for FREE!
Now YOU Can Unlock The Power And Use These Well Kept Basketball Secrets
In Your Own Game And Propel Your Own Playing To A Whole New Level In Record Time!
But if you think $77.00 is to much to pay for a proven basketball training mp3 or CD program that
has been proven to help pro basketball players achieve greatness... If you think $77.00 is to much to pay for a basketball training equipment that will practically force you to be the MAXIMUM YOU and play like a champion basketball player ... If you think $77.00 is too much to pay for a piece of basketball gear that could help give you a multi million dollar career playing a sport that you love,
this is not for you.
The answer may surprise you
Dear Basketball player
Its really quite simple: If you want to be a basketball player that consistently shatters basketball records,
makes your team mates admire you and leaves your competitors in the dust... you need to practice a part of basketball that most basketball players never spend any time on.
What I'm talking about is
You see, while most basketball players will spend countless hours on drills, buying new basketball shoes or going to basketball camp, almost NO ONE will spend any time or money on BOOSTING THEIR CONFIDENCE BY WORKING ON THEIR MENTAL GAME TRAINING.
The reason that they don't work on their mental game is that mental game training is not shown on television. Its not sold in sporting goods stores, its not FUN like shooting hoops with a friend or playing basketball or going to a basketball game and most basketball players don't really understand it.
That is why so many basketball players are average at best. This is also why so many "good" basketball players play well at the "street" high school and college level and then collapse under pressure in the NBA or simply never make it out of "D league."
Just ask any pro basketball player or coach and they will tell you.
even though is a physically tough sport
That is why the mental game training is such a well kept secret.
Just watch any of Michael Jordan's interviews on youtube and he will discuss this.
And Once You Learn These Unusual Little Known basketball Secrets You Will
Have The Magic Ingredient That Results In
Legendary Basketball Playing.
Now you to can learn the same incredible results producing techniques that scores of basketball players have used to transform themselves from
unknowns to starters, to competitive standouts
and into ALL-STAR baseball players.
These mental toughness techniques create amazing breakthroughs almost immediately. They help generate super levels of confidence, focus, competitive intensity, action power, drive to triumph, measurably increased speed and power.
Quick and Easy To Learn
If you've got 59 minutes to listen to a CD OR MP3 before you head out to your next basketball practice or game you will know the basketball secrets that “elite” basketball players will pay thousands of dollars to learn this year... and that most other basketball players will not even hear about.
If you keep reading
I'm going to reveal to you the big basketball tips and secrets that pro high achieving basketball players use that allow them to DOMINATE THEIR OPPONENTS - pass, dribble, catch and shoot with lighting speed and accuracy and achieve greatness in basketball.
Game after game, season after season.
With these EASY TO USE TECHNIQUES you will have the tools to propel your basketball skills into the stratosphere.
Here is why
Lets face it, staying focused, relaxed, feeling dominant thoughts of confidence, being aggressive and playing basketball AS THE MAXIMUM YOU is hard. Noise from the crowd, chanting, booing, other players, opponents, thoughts and fears of making a mistake, failure, embarrassment, losing, coaches, money worries, plus stress, family, work, school. Negative thoughts about past mistakes, the court conditions... it goes on and on. All this leads to frustration, poor and overall poor performance. Yet your ability to remain FOCUSED and to be totally AGGRESSIVE AND CONFIDENT, mentally tough and to trust yourself is critical if you want to play basketball like a champion.
Now before we go on, here are a few important basketball questions;
How many times during practice or a game have you felt or known that there was more within you then you were able to show on the basketball court?
Have you ever wondered why your potential for greatness just stayed within you un-expressed?
Did you ever wonder how you can tap into your hidden potential so that you could “BE ALL THAT YOU CAN BE” and play as the MAXIMUM YOU during competition?
The answer has been a secret. Yet its simple,
EASY TO USE and you are about to learn it
Mastering the Mental Game of Basketball IS the Best Kept Secret of Pro Basketball Players.
It is the difference between All-Star / Hall of Fame Baseball Players and everyone else. This is why top basketball players pay thousands of dollars to work with sports hypnotherapists in-order to master these mental game techniques. They know that the real leverage in basketball comes from mastering the mental game and not just the physical game.
The mental game
is critical because
1) Your mind controls your body. Just like a computer and a robot. All your body does is respond like a robot to the commands given to it by "the computer."
2) When two players with similar physical skills compete against each other it is the one with the stronger mental game that will prevail.
3) The consequences of winning are tremendously financially and emotionally rewarding for a basketball player.
4) The consequences of losing can be financially and emotionally devastating to a basketball player.
5) 90% of your results are determined by your mindset and your mental game!!!
Just ask any D league basketball player who never made it to the NBA or one who did make it into the NBA just to warm the bench and never got to "start", kept getting traded or who got released sent home...
They will all sheepishly admit, “I wish I'd had a stronger mental game... I wish I'd had more CONFIDENCE! I WISH I HAD PLAYED MORE AGRESSIVELY
Then these players will all talk about how they had trouble with confidence, focus, nerves and distractions and that even though they knew that they should play basketball TOTALLY AGGRESSIVELY
but instead
they just could not play that way because their mind would get caught up on something and that negative, wimpy, unsupportive thoughts would creep into their head and cause them to make stupid mistakes and how they would get frustrated or intimidated or get into a long slump that they could not get out of, no matter what they did.
That is why
No matter how much you practice your physical drills no matter how much money you spend on basketball shoes, equipment and training... no matter how strong you are or what vitamins that you take
success in basketball is 90% mental!
But still most of the struggling or average basketball players spend 100% of their time effort and money working only on physical practice. Again this is why guys get themselves into the NBA and spend their career "warming a bench" or they collapse under pressure, fall into a slump and get traded over and over
Or why d league baseball players stay there forever.
They have a decent physical game but
they have NO mental game.
Remember your mind controls your body.
That's why “NO B.S. Super Mental Toughness For Basketball Program” is the piece of basketball equipment that you need if you want the competitive edge in basketball.
How to Instantly feed “Pro Level” Thinking, Confidence, Power, Speed and Accuracy Into Your Basketball Game”
Quick Start System
This Quick Start System Gives YOU Everything That You Need To Work On Your Mental Game and To Bring Out The Very Best In Yourself and Play Winning Basketball
This amazing audio program is available to you on CD or Mp3 it is EASY TO USE. It is unlike anything that you have ever tried.
Just listen at bedtime with or without headphones on. You will hear the gentle sounds of soft relaxing guitar and piano music playing in the background.
Very quickly you will drift off into a wonderful dream like state of mind known as hypnosis. Eventually you will fall into a wonderful night time sleep. Meanwhile I will be speaking to you in a soft, soothing, relaxing voice. During this process I will guide you through a wonderful relaxation process called hypnosis where your mind opens up and records and accepts positive instructions, ideas and feelings about yourself as a basketball player which are all in your best interest (no matter what position you play) This positive voice and instructions for being a more CONFIDENT, FOCUSED, AGGRESSIVE but MENTALLY RELAXED BASKETBALL PLAYER will eliminate the self sabotaging limited thinking and emotional garbage that holds you back.
This program brings out only positive thoughts and feelings that literally force you from within to be the MAXIMUM YOU and PLAY BASKETBALL AT YOUR ABSOLUTE BEST AND BE All YOU CAN BE EVERY TIME!
After 1 hour the CD or MP3 will end and you will continue sleeping until it is your normal wake up time feeling absolutely FANTASTIC! .( There is no danger and you can NOT GET STUCK in hypnosis.)
Most basketball players will notice a significant improvement in their game immediately and some will need more time however I suggest that you listen every day for 30 days and then the night before practice or a game.
You can also play this CD or Mp3 when you first wake up in the morning and make it
Either way , This powerful program will give you more confidence, laser like focus and more power, agility, speed accuracy then you've ever imagined.
As a result YOU will experience
Here’s what this amazing basketball CD / MP3 will do for you starting the very next time that you play basketball. From the moment that you arrive at the court.
Using a secret “trigger word”You will instantly be able to
"get into the zone" and stay there!
You’ll play with TOTAL CONFIDENCE!
You will play basketball with TOTAL AGGRESSION!
You will play basketball with TOTAL DOMINANCE!
You will always maintain your concentration!
You’ll automatically have total focus on the game!
You will always remain calm and confident under pressure!
Shoot With Accuracy
You’ll eliminate negative thoughts, fears and all self limiting beliefs and mental garbage that has been holding you back.
Before every game you will be completely relaxed, feeling only dominant thoughts and you will block out all distracting sites, thoughts, feelings, trash talk, sounds of chanting and booing and all other distractions.
When you play at bat you will mentally relax, eliminate tension, fear, negative thinking and distractions that cause mistakes
You will feel total confidence flowing through your vains!
You will feel superior to your opponents!
You will be totally CONFIDENT in all of your decisions and
you will see yourself as the dominant player.
You will picture, visualize and feel exactly where the ball will go!
You will make great lightning fast decisions.
No matter what position you play you will remain alert, confident aggressive, in your ability and your shooting, dribbling and passing will be accurate.
You will immediately mentally let go of any mistakes and your mind will stay positive
You will have an AUTOMATIC trust in yourself and your abilities!
You will always be mentally ready!
Never the partial you, never the wimpy, timid, unproductive you.
Always the MAXIMUM YOU!
These hypnotic suggestions will train your mind to automatically cause you to play basketball at your best each and every time you are on the court.
Your mental game will significantly improve and as a result you will take your physical game to the next level almost overnight.
Why Should Trust This Basketball Training Program?
What You Are About To Discover Are
The Best Kept Secrets to Basketball Success
From the Man Who's Extraordinary Training Breakthrough Helped Top Athletes Including Top Baseball, Basketball, Football Players, Boxers, Golfers, Hockey Players and Olympic Athletes Achieve An Unfair Advantage In Sports For 30 Years.
“The No B.S. Super Mental Toughness For Basketball Program”
was created by a professional Peak Performance Coach!
This incredible program has transformed the game of hundreds of basketball players of all ages and skill levels. And it will work for you too, guaranteed. It was created by Chris Cady who is a Peak performance Hypnotherapist in Reno Nevada. The material on the program is based on the teachings of his sports hypnosis mentor Peter Siegel who for 30 years worked with all of the basketball players and other athletes mentioned earlier in this letter. Plus he worked with top achieving athletes in every sport. Unfortunately Peter passed away. But before his death, Peter taught all of these incredible results producing techniques to Chris Cady and Chris is continuing Peter's work with this highly effective program. These are the exact techniques that he used with his pro basketball players.
Do you think hypnosis might help your basketball training too?
Why not do yourself a big favor and get your copy of the
No B.S. Super Mental Toughness For Basketball CD or Mp3 Program
FREE $250.00 BONUS
Buy this Cd or mp3 before the special ends and you will get a FREE BONUS Gift worth $250.00 I know that as soon as you start seeing results in your basketball playing you will want more personal attention and even greater improvement. My normal fee for private consultation starts at $500.00 per session.
As a FREE BONUS you will receive a 30 minute consultation with me by telephone.
Make This Your Breakthrough Year.
“No B.S. Super Mental Toughness For Basketball” is the piece of basketball equipment that you need to get you to the next level as a basketball player. All successful basketball players know that the mental game of basketball plays a huge role in the outcome of a game. Its the mental toughness that will separate you from the crowd.
Considering how much that you love playing basketball and how much money that you spend on basketball in time, money, blood sweat and tears, the cost of this program could be a smart investment in reducing the last three. If you want to achieve your true basketball potential and consistently play ball at a level that you have only DREAMED about. Order this amazing program now.
You Can Try It Out RISK FREE!
“No B.S. Super Mental Toughness For Basketball CD OR MP3” comes with an unlimited, unconditional any time ever money back guarantee. It will be the best piece of basketball gear /training program that you will ever use. No matter where you are in your game. We promise that you will significantly improve within the first week. You can measure this anyway that you want to. If you feel that you are not more focused, more confident aggressive then ever. If you feel that you are not scoring more points playing better, jumping higher, dribbling, passing etc with more speed and accuracy then ever before or if you just feel that this mental game basketball training program is a bunch of bull, simply return it ANY TIME EVER and we will refund 100% of your money the same day. NO QUESTIONS ASKED! There are no hassles or weasel clauses. All we ask is that you buy it with good faith and good intent.
There are a million books and videos on how to play basketball. There has been very little quality information written about coaching and training the mental side of basketball.
Yet this is the 90% of the game.
The secret of how to play LEGENDARY basketball all lies within training your mind using
Basketball Mental Game Training, Tips, Skills, Drills Confidence ,
and Mental Toughness Using Hypnosis & Sports Psychology.
So if you are interested in doing this I have the solution that you need.
Why not do yourself a big favor and get your copy now
One final thought: One year from now you will be looking back on this day as one of the most important basketball decisions that you have ever made.
Because you have absolutely noting to lose why not do yourself a big favor and
I will ship it immediately.